- #Command to find mac address of phone in kotlin how to
- #Command to find mac address of phone in kotlin install
- #Command to find mac address of phone in kotlin driver
The output will show a line with the IP address followed by the MAC address, the interface, and the allocation type (dynamic/static). Once you enter the command “arp -a” you’ll receive a list with all ARP entries to the ARP Table in your computer. How do I locate a device with a MAC address and an IP address?Įnter the “arp” command with an “-a” flag.
That will give you the IP address for the device. Then go to the router for the VLAN specified in the previous command and perform a show ip arp vlan | include. Perform a show mac address-table interface on the switch that has the device(s) connected to it. How do I find the IP address of a MAC address on a Cisco switch?
#Command to find mac address of phone in kotlin driver
Please notice, that we’ve included the mongo-sync feature, which will provide the support for the Mongo Synchronous Driver in our application. Application Type: Micronaut Application.In my case, I’ve generated it using the web launcher, setting the following values: We can do that either by installing the Micronaut CLI or with the online launcher (similar to the Spring Initializr). Generate The ProjectĪs the first step, let’s generate the project. Deploy MongoDB as a Containerįirstly, let’s pull the mongo image from the Docker Hub registry: docker pull mongoĪfter that, let’s deploy it in a detached mode ( -d flag): docker run -d -p 27017-27019:27017-27019 -name mongodb mongoīesides deploying in a detached mode, the above command publishes the container’s ports to the host- in simple terms, we will be able to connect to the MongoDB using localhost.įinally, let’s check if everything is OK with the following command: docker psĬONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREALTED STATUS PORTS NAMESĢ6bd5c8dcc79 mongo "docker-entrypoint.s…" 6 seconds ago Up 5 seconds>27017-27019/tcp mongodbģ.
#Command to find mac address of phone in kotlin install
Nevertheless, if you would like to install a MongoDB on your local machine, please refer to this official manual. For simplicity, we will deploy it as a docker container. Just like in previous articles, we need to make sure, that our MongoDB server is up and running. In this guide, we will create a simple CRUD REST API, which will allow the user to operate on the data from MongoDB (for a similar project in Spring Boot, please see this article). Moreover, the creators took a lot of inspiration from Spring and Grails, so if you’ve ever worked with any of them, you’ll see plenty of similarities.
With Micronaut, these problems have been solved using Java’s annotation processors, making it a really great choice for low memory-footprint environments, like microservices. If you have any prior experience with reflection-based frameworks, like Spring or Spring Boot, you probably noticed that the startup time and memory consumption are bound to the size of the codebase. Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications.
#Command to find mac address of phone in kotlin how to
In this article, I would like to teach you how to create a Micronaut project with MongoDB and Kotlin.